3 ways I am learning to surrender

Catherine Andrews
7 min readMar 5, 2023

And yes, I hate it.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Happy Sunday, Soothers. I joke often (maybe even in this newsletter before?) that if I ever write a book or start a new newsletter it will be called, “But… how?” where I break down general concepts that you KNOW you should do (forgive somebody else; let go; have an abundant mindset; practice self-compassion) but like… you don’t know how. And I would give you step-by-step ACTUAL PRACTICES to do the thing. Like, forgiveness. I have 4 exercises you can do, this one meditation, this one letter writing thing, this one journaling exercise. Like, ACTIONABLE SHIT. And when you do those exercises, you are then forgiving more easily!

I find this to be the most missing from the self-help world. “Forgive!” Okay, but… HOW?! Like seriously give me a goddamn checklist. I know I should forgive but I could use a little help on what steps to take to get there.

You got it! Today I am giving you some resources that generally help me with something I struggle with the most: surrender. As a control freak and codependent, letting go is… haha. I hate it. For my astrology bubs, I have so much Capricorn and Virgo it would make your head spin, and those are very controlling signs. (Also beautiful and smart and the best, but not known for our chill.)



Catherine Andrews

Teaching awakening + healing through vulnerability + self-compassion. Finding hope in a messy world. Author of the Sunday Soother. http://catherinedandrews.com