Rules I’m setting for myself in 2022

Catherine Andrews
4 min readDec 19, 2021

They’re all about asking myself the right questions.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

This article is cross-posted from my weekly newsletter, The Sunday Soother, a newsletter about clarity, intention, and useful tips for creating more meaning in your life that goes out every Sunday morning. Subscribe here. I am also a coach who works with sensitive people so they can stop second-guessing, make decisions confidently and live the life they’ve always dreamed of. You can learn more about working with me here.

New questions, new rules.

Hi! Big news: My Introduction to Intentional Living Course is now OPEN! This my flagship self-discovery and goal-setting course: 12 weeks of gentle, wise and introspective exercises, a nourishing community, lifetime access to my Slack, and a way of understanding yourself and creating a plan to go after your goals that is kind, compassionate, and has nothing to do with toxic productivity or hustling towards fixing yourself. Come on over, I’m enrolling through the rest of December; we start January 2.

Happy Sunday, Soothers. A saying I refer to often goes like this: The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask.

This maxim has guided my life in the last few years, and I can attribute a lot of my personal and professional success to it…



Catherine Andrews

Teaching awakening + healing through vulnerability + self-compassion. Finding hope in a messy world. Author of the Sunday Soother.